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ADVANCED DATING SKILLS: Master the dating game and attract and date high quality women

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ADVANCED DATING SKILLS: Master the dating game and attract and date high quality women

9 ratings


"Finally - The Most Powerful Method For Attracting Beautiful Women..."


YES - And This May Be The Most Powerful Discovery For Men In Our Time...

 If you give me 3 minutes, I'll show you how to generate high-voltage attraction with women that they cannot control...

Let me first ask you a few quick questions...

Have you ever been out in a bar or club, standing at the bar with a drink in your hand, and you see an attractive woman you want to meet, but you can't seem to work up the confidence to approach her?

Can you remember a time when you were out on a date with a woman, and you really wanted things to work out, but you couldn't work up the courage to escalate with her, and it eventually just fizzled out?

Have you ever had a great conversation with a woman, gotten her phone number, called her a day or two later, and when she answered, she seemed cold and distant, almost like she didn't remember you?

Have you ever been in a short-term relationship with a woman where she seems to lose her interest in you, or breaks it off before you can get things to a more "physical" level with her...? Or she tells you she just wants to be "friends"?

Do you ever find yourself in social situations where you have to constantly 'work up' your courage to be a part of the conversation, or you feel awkward when you finally do chime in?

Do women friends of yours always tell you you're a "nice guy," but what you don't know is why women never seem to be attracted to you, no matter how much you behave like the guy you know they should want?

Have you ever found yourself in a conversation with a group of attractive women, knowing you need to be confident, but you don't have a clue about how to actually BE confident? And usually within minutes, these conversations lose their energy, or some other guys jump in and the women start paying attention to them...?

Are you ever afraid that your girlfriend might end up being stolen by some guy with more money or better looks than you?

Do you ever feel like you will never experience the kind of physical and exciting relationship you want with a real, warm, flesh and blood woman?

If you've ever experienced ANY of these, let me tell you something: These are completely natural feelings and experiences for any man.

Nearly every guy has experienced a loss of confidence when he is trying to approach or talk to a woman. And even when the conversation starts off on the right note, there's always a big chance of things going bad or losing the attraction and energy with her.

When you run into this problem over and over, you want to just quit talking with women, and it becomes much more pleasurable to stay home and play Halo on your Xbox than it does to go out and endure failure after failure in the bars, clubs, and parties where you meet women.

But there's that other part of you that knows that if things don't change, the only way a woman is going to enter your life is if you let your friends fix you up on a blind date, or you get lucky and meet someone at a party.

Is this the only way to be confident with women?

How is it that other guys seem to have no problems meeting and finding women, and you're not getting more than a date every couple weeks - if you're lucky...

But is it really about "luck", or is there a practical method for you to improve and win your Inner Game of confidence with women and dating?

My name is Philip Jacobs - and I want to reveal some secrets to you that most men will NEVER discover about women - how they really work, and how you can "trigger" her feelings of attraction consistently.

The same method used by the sexiest, the most successful and the most satisfied lovers in the world.

My strategies and techniques for building bulletproof confidence with women, as well as getting guys the women they want have made Hundreds of guys into overnight successes in dating and "seduction." 

I've been involved as an editor, and contributor to many programs on how to meet women, how to attract women, and how to live what Is called the "Alpha Lifestyle."

What is the Alpha Lifestyle?

That's the lifestyle of a man who gets the women he wants, the financial success he wants, and the social and sexual success he deserves.

Now, I know you've probably never heard of me - I was content to stay in the background, training guys to get fast and easy success with women in my training programs.

Many years ago I accidentally stumbled into the world of "pickup artists" and dating tips for men.

That's When I Discovered And Learned Something That Rocked My World...

The average guy out there has absolutely ZERO chance of getting a hot girlfriend if he doesn't understand how to be an Alpha Masculine Man.

Now the reality is that if I had to learn this stuff all over again, I wouldn't do it this way again. Honestly, I can see why most guys avoid trying to "figure it all out." It's not intuitive.

But I realized that I can explain these concepts to any guy out there quickly and easily. I have made it a life mission to show guys everywhere how to completely transform their skills with women in just a few days.

It's simple, and it's fun to do when you know what to do.

Here's Your Missing Link To Consistent Success With Women

Once you discover the secrets to connecting and lighting a woman's fuse of explosive sexual interest, your inconsistent results will disappear.

You can learn this stuff and run your dating life on autopilot and date the kind of women you thought were out of your league.

Imagine the head start you'll have on your competition when you discover:

The REAL way attraction works, why, and how you can use it to multiply your dating success with the women you actually want.

The BIG differences between the way you think and the way she thinks.

Which parts of her brain are ACTUALLY DIFFERENT and how it affects her behavior and reactions.

Why getting her to like you will only make her see you as just a friend, not to feel attraction for you, and how you can exactly make her feel attraction for you.

How and why she can be wildly attracted to you even if she doesn't "like" you.

What "logical" behaviors kill attraction instead of create it.

The ONE POWERFUL THING that is more important than money, looks, penis size, age, social status, education, or any trick, tactic, or technique and how not being able to do this will ruin your long term chances with her.

Why NO WOMAN is ever out of your league.

What really controls her actions, thoughts, and decides FOR HER if she's attracted to you or not.

The reasons she CAN'T TURN IT OFF when she's feeling attraction for you.

How she will willingly give you her power to turn you down and you can use it to make her feel attraction so strong that NO ONE BUT YOU can stop it.

Why she WANTS you to keep this power and not give it back to her.

The reason she always says she wants a "nice" and "sweet" guy but she winds up with jerks, assholes, and bad boys.

How to make her feel DEEP EMOTIONS and constantly think about you.

How to create deep rapport with a woman so she can't stop thinking about you.

How to get a girlfriend and get her hot for you - and ONLY you.

Understand what the "Alpha Man" is and how he is the key to your ultimate success with women...

How being the "nice guy" does not work for you - and how you'll get rid of your nice guy attitudes and get laid instead…

17 Traits of the Alpha Man - the most necessary characteristics to develop, and why women find these traits the most irresistible and magnetic…

Are you confused with all the advice you hear out there? This one section will set everything clear in your head and you'll know exactly how to behave around women, with no fear or anxiety about what you "should" be doing...

Why looks are the least important part of your Alpha Lifestyle - and how you can easily out-perform any "good looking" guy out there...

How physical attraction REALLY works with women, and the three primary areas you must pay attention to...

5 Essential Body Language indicators a woman is looking for that secretly "signal" to her that you're an "Alpha..."

The right way to make eye contact with women so that you show confidence most effectively...

Five ways to communicate your value to a woman - and the specifics of how you use them to impress her...

Have you ever felt like you just couldn't stop yourself from obsessing over a woman? Learn why this happens, and use my strategy to keep your self-control and turn the tables...

How to set correct boundaries with women - and enforce them so that you don't become needy, insecure, or obsessive...

How to use one strategy to make a woman fantasize about you, and do most of the work of falling in love with YOU...

How to harness the 'power of subordination' and turn a woman into a purring kitty cat for you...

Compliments don't work - or do they? I'll show you how to use compliments CORRECTLY to get a woman infatuated with you...

You'll learn how to use my sure-fire opening line to create a solid start to your conversation - and will work in any situation...

How to open up a conversation with multiple women at once - and even handle the guys that are with them so that they buy YOU drinks...

How women view sex, and how to use this to your advantage to give her what she needs - psychologically and physically...

How to stay in control of your meetings and dates with women and not feel like you're being led around by your emotions - or panicking and ruining things at the wrong moment...

How to develop and use the most valuable Alpha Man tool - your sense of humor!

How to develop the critical success element of ALL seductions with women ... All the guys who fail to handle this right will NOT get a second date...

How to stay with the woman that you really want - for as long as you want...

Vital ingredients in your conversation with a woman to turn it into playful, delightful banter... and she will not see it as some kind of "trick" to call you out on...

Exercises to tune your voice and train your speech to magnetic force...

How to talk like an Alpha Man - the specific strategies and methods for talking to women - and communicating your Alpha Status to make her want you...

What you're communicating about yourself that is scaring off women - and you don't even realize it...

How to avoid the dysfunctional thinking that sabotages you and drives off women...

What an Alpha Man's lifestyle is, and how to live like YOU want to - free of the expectations and limitations of others...

Male emotional strength - why women need your strength and coping skills to feel at ease with you...

How to socialize and network to meet women and increase your social circle...

How to use emotional intelligence to unlock your hidden power with women by appealing to her in a way that no other man will…

The 19 Essential Qualities of powerful leaders - and how they work to get you more success with women...

The specific "Nice Guy" behaviors you need to get rid of to get women…

The ONE BIG Reason you don't do what you must to meet women and get more dates - and when you learn what this is, you'll finally be able to get out of your own way for good...

The one behavior most guys exhibit that kills over 90% of their possible romances...

The ONE factor that will determine the highest quality woman you will be able to attract - and once you recognize it and work on it, you'll be able to go after the high-class women...

The 3 Bad Beliefs that keep you from approaching women - if you don't know how this works, chances are that you are reinforcing a negative cycle that is making it even HARDER to approach women every day...

The 7 Power Tactics of showing women high levels of self-confidence - so they believe it, and you don't have to "fake it..."

How women decide whether you're a man they can trust and let down their guard with - and how to make her feel like she's known you for years...

How to overcome the fear and paralysis of "approach anxiety." Men everywhere feel this, and the shame of not being able to overcome it. Imagine being able to walk up and talk to ANY woman - anywhere you go with no fear and no rejection...

What women really want in a man - the exact qualities she's looking for, and how you can demonstrate them so she chooses you above all other guys...

How to escalate with women from the first kiss to physical intimacy, with no fear of being "shut down..."

It's easy to fall into the "friends ONLY" bucket with women, and there's nothing more frustrating to experience. Find out how you can turn a female 'friend' into something much more sexual...


Remember, Women Don't Want To Be Sold...

They want to be seduced.

She wants to be carried away by her secret desires...

Get these insider secrets and you'll find all the women that the other guys think are hiding out or avoiding them...

Learning Attraction Skills With Women Is

The Secret Source Of Consistent Dating Success...

I'm not making a bunch of outrageous claims. I don't need to. You wouldn't appreciate a bunch of hype either.

My campaign started barely six months ago on Twitter, but it has already started making a big impact. Even though I only share nothing but the basics on Twitter, here is what my colleagues and some of students have to say about it.

Just picture an easy-to-implement system to fortifying your confidence with women, ensures connection with her, and no more flaking out... and you get to date as many of these women as you have time to meet. (I'm not kidding that time management becomes tricky when you're juggling this kind of schedule.)

Follow my lead, take some steps forward, and I'll show you how you can make your dating more consistent by building YOUR Alpha Lifestyle.

These strategies will crystallize everything else you've ever read on dating, seduction, picking up women, and successful attraction. The missing link will appear before your eyes, like magic.

How Do You Know if This is the Right Program for You and Your Situation?

If you read down this list and find more than a couple of them apply to you, then you will really benefit from Advanced Dating Skills program:

- You're a perfectionist, and you can't seem to shake the behaviors that mess things up with women...

- You feel you might be able to start a conversation with a woman, but don't know where you'd go after that...

- You really want to meet a woman to fill a space in your life, but you realize when you have one that she doesn't fulfill your real needs ... and neither does the next one... or the next one...

- You're held back by your own fear of failure, fear of rejection, intimidation, afraid of appearing foolish, afraid of failing in front of others, fear of messing it up AGAIN...

- You have a lot of trouble, both in meeting women, as well as keeping a quality conversation going - one that satisfies you and her...

- You get occasional success with women, but nothing that you can repeat consistently...

- You don't know where else - or who else - to ask about what you need to do to get it right ...

- You think there's a few missing pieces of your inner game that would really make you much more confident with women ...

- You're overwhelmed with your own thinking and anxiety in social situations where you meet women...

The Skills You Learn In The Advanced Dating Skills Will Give You Confidence and Success With Women In Any Situation…

The "Advanced Dating Skills"  Program Is The Cement That Will Lock In Your Game From Start to Finish...

Here's What You'll Learn:

This program is packed from start to finish with nothing but CONCENTRATED dating tips that you can start using right now.

I've broken the stages of dating and attracting women into 7 fast and easy sections for you. This system is broken down into the most important stepping stones of attraction so that you can get success quicker and easier than ever.

Here's what you get on each section of this program:




There is one limiting factor in every man's life that stops him from getting success with women - and in LIFE. You'll discover how to get past this limiting blockade once and for all...

3 steps to create BULLETPROOF self-confidence through action in your life - and the missing element of self-confidence that you won't learn from your therapist - or anyone else...!

Ever heard a woman say she wants a "confident" guy? I'll tell you the specific things that a woman needs to see from you to feel your confidence in her bones...

Do you need validation? We ALL do - and now you'll find out why - and how you can get it without becoming dependent on other people's approval and feeling exposed and vulnerable...

How to improve your physical presence and confidence - and your health at the same time - the 5 critical focus points of your life energy...

The Awareness Trap - How most guys get trapped into the bad habits of "seduction," and how you avoid it so that you stay authentic and genuine with women - so you can get the intimacy you want with women without changing or being a manipulative jerk...



The Nature of Women - How to understand the critical differences between men and women - so you can reach a woman and get her to feel instant sexual connection with you...

The essential communication deception between men and women that you must understand and leverage if you're going to talk to a woman so that she really hears you and feels you...

One of the biggest mistakes guys make is trying to flatter a woman with praise and compliments. I'll show you what to compliment - and NOT compliment - about a woman...

How to manage a woman's emotions - and what motivates women to do what they do. Understand this and you'll never find yourself saying, "I don't understand women..."

How to control the most important element of a woman's psychology - her state of mind and her mood - so she never runs "hot and cold" with you or confuses you by backing off...

What women are looking for in you so that they can feel safe enough to unleash their femininity...

The one sensation a woman must experience with you on every date or meet-up, and how to know if you're giving it to her. Miss this one and you'll be talking to her voicemail wondering "What happened...?"

Understand what "love" really is, the scientific explanation for the most powerful emotional state - and how you can understand and control the laws of this wild energy in your favor...

Ever find yourself compulsively doing things you know you shouldn't be doing? Like calling her ten times in a row or freaking out? How to balance out your emotions so you avoid obsession over women...

How to bend a woman's reality around you through the power of (healthy) addiction...

The one subconscious defense mechanism you must watch and monitor in a woman - and how you get past it...

Which guys have the most problems with women - and why they never get very far in their dating lives - and how you can avoid their mistakes...

What to say to get women to chase after YOU for sex for once. And how you trigger her attraction drive for you...

What to say to a woman to unleash her sexual desires for you. Some guys tell you "lines" for this - but this technique will get rid of your need to memorize scripts and canned routines...

What a woman's primary focus is in life, and how you leverage this to create the kind of relationship you want with a woman. If you act like you know this (and you will) she will swear to all her friends that you're her soul-mate...

The secret belief a woman must have about you and her so she can let herself be sexually open and free with you...

The strongest technique for avoiding a woman's natural defensive mechanisms and stopping her from slamming on the brakes. No more last minute resistance and going cold on you...

Women will use their most powerful weapon on you in the first few minutes they meet you. What it is, why women (and men) do it, and what it tells her about you...

The specific character trait a woman is most attracted to in a man - and how you show her this in you...


How to get out of your head when you're with a woman so you can stay funny, charming, and cool with her...

The secret fears women have about men - and how you avoid raising these fears in a woman...

My exclusive approach - opening lines for you to use to start conversations and meet women anywhere you go...

How to work up your confidence every time when you want to talk to an attractive woman - so you never chicken out again...

How to communicate confidence with your body language just by making a few simple and easy tweaks...

The one indicator of Low Status Men that you never want to display...

How to get yourself feeling social and confident in any situation so you can walk into any social situation and start up a conversation, or meet the women you want to meet...

The 4 simple steps to creating the best first impression to a woman possible…

Examples of the different types of conversation starters - examples, and how to use them - and when to use them so you don't make any weird social goofs...

The one conversation opener you absolutely MUST have every time you go out - or you risk becoming "paralyzed" and talk yourself out of approaching...

Examples of my special breed of opener to get a woman interested - without scaring her off by broadcasting your interest to her...

The best openers to use to engage women that are in groups...

How to open a conversation with a woman when you're on your own so you don't feel creepy to women - or seeming like you're weird and coming out of nowhere...

Examples of teasing and being funny and cocky with women to drive up the sexual tension in conversations...

The Phases of Approach - broken down and explained so that you know what to do at every step of the way...

What it is that stops you from meeting women - and how you avoid this gut emotional response to women so that you can break out of the pattern...

The single biggest mistake guys make when approaching women...

The Passive Relationship Mistake men make with women - and how you can avoid it...

Should you talk with a woman for a long time or a short time? It actually doesn't matter - find out why...

Easy locations you must go to meet women - and how to use them best...

One technique to do when you approach a woman that will eliminate at least half of your flaky dates...

Your concrete game plan to get yourself out there meeting more women, making more friends, and having more dates...

How to get a woman's phone number in just a few seconds...

My Power Close technique that guarantees you'll get connected with her again...

How you communicate your security and confidence to women with your body language on the close...

Why do women drop you into "just friends" rather than her lover, and how to avoid this painful problem...

The most important communication you have with a woman AFTER you approach her - and why it works to "lock in" her interest...


"How to Handle Dating From Start to Finish..."

The 3 feelings that a woman must have for you in order to sleep with you...

The KEY rule of meeting women - and for your first date so that it succeeds...

The one skill you must demonstrate on every date with a woman to keep her attracted and interested...

It's not just having stuff to talk about that keeps a date alive. You need to know what to talk about on your dates so that you keep her interested AND attracted. I'll give you examples of how to drive up her attraction the whole way...

Where and when you establish "connection" with a woman - and where most guys get this wrong...

Use my secret technique for making deep connections and use my 5 deep questions on your next date to show her you "get it" with women...

The ONE thing you absolutely MUST prove to a woman for her to think of you as more than a friend - and how you show it to her...

5 Power Strategies to control and direct the conversation so you keep things going in the right direction...

How to banter with a woman in a way that evokes her deepest attraction and communicates your strength and confidence...

7 conversation gold nuggets that will get you deeper into rapport and connection with her than you ever imagined possible...

6 Red flags to watch out for that will help you spot a potentially lethal woman in your life...

The "REAL" kiss test that works the best - and how you know 100% that she's ready to be kissed...

When to kiss a woman for MAXIMUM effect...

The 2 critical rules of kissing a woman that make all the difference in how much she will want to see you again...

What you must NEVER talk about on your date with a woman - and how this "crystallizes" you in her thoughts if you do it right...

The 7 Principles of Attraction - and how they work on women...

How to easily move out of - or go casual - with a relationship you don't want - the signals you must watch for that say you're "committed..."

How you can keep your relationship with a woman as open and casual as you like, without having to risk losing her...

The rules of gift-giving with women. Do this one wrong and you...

The rules about how to tell your feelings to a woman - so you don't scare her off or freak her out...

How long to make your date with a woman so that you don't "overstay your welcome..."

The natural character trait that women are helplessly drawn to...

The one thing you cannot ask or try to find out from a woman - if you do, you'll kill her attraction - INSTANTLY...

The "Remove The Drug" strategy for helping a woman realize her feelings for you...

How to use "creative jealousy" to start her feelings of passion for you…


How to get to sex at a pace that BOTH of you want - and respects your needs as well as hers...

Techniques for "Fast Attraction" that will get you into the bedroom quicker than any other way...

How to artificially escalate your girl's sense of familiarity and trust with you in just two fast steps...

The most important mental belief you can have to win the inner game of dating...

The 4 kinds of "kino" - or sexual touch you use with women - and how to escalate from playful fun to intimate sexual contact with a woman...

WHERE to touch a woman - and HOW to touch her to create the explosive chemistry she wants. This is one that I found 84% of guys miss...

How to avoid having a woman put a stop to things when you're about to get intimate...

How to use music and props to create a seductive environment for your woman so that you maximize your results - what to have, where to put it, and how to use it...

The direct hotline into a woman's physical state, and how you dial into it ...

How to get past a beautiful woman's "bitch shields" so you can connect with her on a genuine and authentic level...

What to say to a woman to break down her defenses - so you don't have to feel like you're a jerk, and she can connect with the real you...

The ideal pace for escalating and moving forward with women so you don't rush things and mess them up...

How to avoid falling into the "relationship trap" if you're not ready to settle down - and how not to fear losing the woman you've got because of it...


Learn what the Number 1 indicator of the success of a dating relationship is - and how to spot it...

What you must have to maintain a level of respect from a woman - so that she never walks on you or humiliates you...

Learn how long it really takes to create a relationship with a woman, and what you must be watching for along the way...

How to create a dating relationship that you can stick with, instead of having to go find a new woman all over again - or be alone more than you're with a woman...

The 4 CRITICAL Rules of making a long term relationship work ...

The 1 indicator to figure out if you're in a healthy or unhealthy long term relationship - so you can get out before the pain starts...

The Universal Strategy for you to handle any "relationship corrections..."

The hidden trap of the "emotional conversation" that you must never fall into - and how you handle it with almost no energy, and ZERO drama...

The 2 phases of all relationships - how to recognize them, and what to expect in each one of them so that you're not caught off guard...

The 2 Personality Types in dating relationships - how they work, and how you can handle each of them so that you will never get caught up in dysfunction...

The Essential Ingredient: What every man must do for his woman in a relationship to keep her happy...

8 Types of Poison Women to watch out for and avoid at all costs before they turn your life upside down - or into a living hell...

The simple habit you must keep up in a relationship that projects your power and masculinity...

The simple 3-step process for breaking up with minimal drama and pain - Where, How, When... so that you walk away a free man and not being tempted to go back to her a week later...

The Core Competencies of an Alpha Man - How to stay on the path to self-improvement and getting results improving your lifestyle...

And much more…


In-depth analysis on the Bad Boy and nice guy stereotype.

The defining characteristic of the "jerk" that women are attracted to - and why and how you steal it for yourself without having to be a Jerk in the process...

Why the "Bad Boy" is attractive, and how you can use the best traits he has to stop ending up the "nice guy" or fall into her "just friends" bucket...


The 2 types of tests women use on men - how they're used and what a woman discovers when she blindsides you with one (and how to be ready for her when she does...)

Guys who fail to handle women's tests didn't lose because they didn't answer her right - they lost because of this one hidden trick, and why you cannot ignore it...!

Why a woman uses the "I've Got a Boyfriend test" - I'll show you what she's doing, and how to answer her to win...

The "Are you a player?" test question - and the best - and worst - ways you can respond to it...

Examples of tests - including the most common test we do without even knowing it...


Easy locations you must go to meet women - There are places single women go at certain times of the day or week. Know exactly where and when to improve your chances of meeting one.

And much more…

Are You Serious About Wanting To Attract Women And Get More Dates?

Here's How To Meet Women And Attract Them - Guaranteed...

Or Your Money Back.

I've observed and trained hundreds of men in how to meet women and attract women, and I can tell you for a fact that most guys talk a good game, but when it comes to jumping in the driver's seat and getting REAL skills, most men wind up settling for a relationship that doesn't fulfill them.


I don't want this to happen to you.

Here's a little test you can perform on any of your single guy friends. The next time you see an attractive woman in a bar, nudge your friend and tell him to go talk to her.

I bet you that 9 out of 10 guys will say something like this:

"Nah, she's not my type..."or"I'm not on my game tonight. You go ahead..."

Or any number of flimsy excuses.

Hey, I used to do the same thing.

It would be a real kick in the ego to go talk to a woman and she winds up NOT interested in you. We men define ourselves by how a woman responds to us. You want that response to be powerful attraction in just a few minutes of talking with you, don't you?

Don't let your dating life create itself by DEFAULT - meaning that you take the first and most convenient woman you meet. Don't let it be a matter of LUCK.

Imagine going out to meet women, or just meeting a woman for the first date - and knowing exactly what you need to do.

No confusion.

No mystery.

And NO FEAR or anxiety.

Do you want to understand the traits you're really looking for in a woman? As well as the traits she really wants from you?

Or would you like to know what behaviors and body language enhance and which reduce attraction from a woman?

Do you want a Maintenance Program to keep your girl once you win her?

Would you like to learn how to bypass using those ridiculous and tired pickup lines, and learn a technique that will work in almost 100% of the situations you find yourself in?

Would you like to know the secret psychology of attraction, how it works, and how to increase or reduce it? And how you can use these tactics to attract women and get a girlfriend without manipulation or games?

Who Needs This Program?

If you suspect you might be falling into being the "Nice Guy" that women are not interested in dating, then this program will help you shed that image and become the powerful and dominant man that women desire...

If you've ever found yourself feeling insecure about your ability with women, or you find it difficult to approach and talk to women, this program is designed to help you become deeply secure with who you are, where you're going, and give you that belief in yourself that helps you approach ANY woman... and never feel inadequate!

If you've ever found yourself in a situation where you weren't sure how to handle women in this "post-feminism" world where no one even knows who pays for the date, this program will clear it up our modern gender roles for you, and spell out EXACTLY what women want from men today...

If you're pissed about the fact that women say one thing while they do another, or they say they want a guy just like you but then go and date the complete opposite, this program will explain once and for all why they do this - and how you can win their game...

If you're tired of feeling that knotted feeling in your gut when you know you need to go talk to that woman that you're interested in, or you find yourself scared to ask for her number, or for the date, then this program will show you how to tackle these situations confidently and effectively so that women almost NEVER turn you down...

If you want to know how to compensate for where you feel you're at a disadvantage compared to other guys - in height, or wealth, or good looks, your intelligence, your physique, or anywhere - then this program will show you how to generate high-voltage attraction with women that they cannot control...

If you want to learn the specific actions that you can do RIGHT NOW to change how your friends, your family, and women think about your social status and value, then this program will detail the steps for you...

If you've ever wanted to increase your success with women in every way - PERIOD - then this program is the missing piece of the puzzle to put you back in the game ... to WIN.

Who DOESN'T Need This Program?

If you are totally confident in every social or professional situation you find yourself, and you're completely confident walking up to and talking with ANY woman, this program probably won't do much for you...

If you get all the dates you need, and you even find yourself constantly trying to find time to date all the women you meet, or you're tired of women approaching you all the time, you're probably not going to find much here that will help your situation...

On the other hand, if that isn't you, this program is going to open your eyes WIDE to how women REALLY work, and what is REALLY going on out there in the dating world.

Here's How It All Works...

First of all, know that your transaction is secure - Gumroad is a 100% secured and safe website, (you can do your research if in doubt). Gumroad servers ensure your complete and total privacy and security.

Secondly, when you click on the "I Want This" button below, you'll go to my secure order page for your credit card information (You can also order by PayPal if you like). When you use my secure order form, you'll be able to download the e-books of the Advanced Dating Skills program including all the Bonuses right away as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file.

The whole process takes just a few minutes and you'll be reading your book in about 5 minutes.

When you get the ebook, I recommend you read it cover to cover to get maximum results. After then, you'll keep using these e-books as a reference library constantly as you're learning how to be more successful with women.

Once you read the program, start trying some of the techniques immediately. You'll notice a huge difference right away, and it will motivate you to move on to some of the other ideas.

Advanced Dating Skills" is the Most Powerful And Concentrated Program On How To Attract Women You Will Find..."

And with so many guys learning these strategies today, the competition for you has gotten bigger and bigger. You can't afford to be left behind to "figure it out" on your own.

"Advanced Dating Skills" Is For The Smart Man Who's Taken Women On Dates

Only To Hear Them Say:

"You're so nice! But I'd like to just be friends..."

I don't know about you, but when I heard that, my stomach used to fall out of me like I was on a drop of a roller coaster. There's nothing a guy wants to hear less than that.


This is a very quick & easy program that will take only a few hours of your time, and you'll be getting more dates as soon as you apply it.

Do I hear you asking, "Okay, so how much is it?"

It's VERY affordable.

You can go out with a woman this week and blow just $30 on drinks and some appetizers.

But I can give you this knowledge and skills…

... for LESS than that will cost you.

And you'll be able to use this knowledge for the rest of your life to triple and even quadruple the amount of success you're getting now.

Now for a limited time, you can learn these secret techniques, and at no risk.

Look, how much have you spent on educating yourself on dating skills so far?

Some have spent hundreds - some even thousands. Many have spent enormous amounts of time and energy - wondering, figuring, trying to make that quantum leap in their dating skills so they can see some results.

For less than the price of a dinner out, you can create multiple streams of female income in your life - for good.

And if you implement these strategies and say it didn't work for you, I'll give you your money back - AND you get to keep the program and all the bonuses for trying it out.

Success, On Your Own Terms.

If you play it her way, you're going to have to spend weeks and weeks, dates and more dates, money and more money, on a woman just to get her to open up and believe you're a stand-up guy she can trust enough to let her guard down.


Wouldn't you love to learn how to shortcut past all this unnecessary work and get women attracted to you right away?

With any woman you meet?

Get Started Right Now...

Advanced Dating Skills - Alpha Dating Power


Advanced Dating Skills -

Digital Download E-book with 230 pages of top-quality easy to read and understand instruction in how to develop the kind of attitude and confidence to ATTRACT the most-beautiful women. (List Price: $89.97)

This program includes all 7 Sections of my ultimate men's dating toolkit that outlines the complete dating blueprint for you:

SECTION 1: Self-Confidence, Appearance and Body Language

SECTION 2: How attraction really works - Understanding women and "The Game..."

SECTION 3: How to Meet and Approach Women. 

Closing: Getting the Date - and the Next One...

SECTION 4 & 5: Power Dating Dynamics - How to Handle Dating From Start to Finish

SECTION 6: Seduction Success - From the Date to the Bedroom

SECTION 7: Long Term Relationship and Beyond.


PLUS: You'll also receive all 3 of the Bonus eBooks:.


In-depth analysis on the Bad Boy and nice guy stereotype. The defining characteristic of the "jerk" that women are attracted to - and why and how you steal it for yourself without having to be a Jerk in the process… Why the "Bad Boy" is attractive, and how you can use the best traits he has to stop ending up the "nice guy" or fall into her "just friends" bucket...


The 2 types of tests women use on men - how they're used and what a woman discovers when she blindsides you with one (and how to be ready for her when she does...) Guys who fail to handle women's tests didn't lose because they didn't answer her right - they lost because of this one hidden trick, and why you cannot ignore it...! Why does a woman use the "I've Got a Boyfriend test" - I'll show you what she's doing, and how to answer her to win… The "Are you a player?" test question - and the best - and worst - ways you can respond to it… Examples of tests - including the most common test we do without even knowing it...


Easy locations you must go to meet single women. 

(List Price Of the Bonuses $24.97)

Yours for FREE


Yours for $16.50

I am so sure of your success with this program and here's My ROCK SOLID 60 Day GUARANTEE: If you don't approach more women, meet more women, and have more success with dating women overall, just send me a personal email any time in the next 60 days for a full prompt refund and I will insist you keep the complete program including all of the bonus gifts for you FREE just for giving the "Advanced Dating Skills" an honest evaluation...

Fair enough?

You Have My Word...

Grab your copy of the entire "Advanced Dating Skills" program right now - with no risk. Take your time and use the program as much as you like...

I put my name and reputation behind this program, and I stand by it 1000%.

Now, I could easily get taken advantage of on this offer. But I know most guys are honest, and not too many will try to rip me off.

But here's what I want from you in return: When these techniques and strategies pay off for you, I want you to send me an email at and tell me your results. 

Fair enough


Yours for $16.50

For less than the cost of another messed up date where you go home and tear up another number, swearing that you're through with women, you can have this program that will guide you through the minefield of dating and relationships with confidence and poise.

ONLY $16.50

Get the entire program for

80% discount...

Just $16.50

I personally guarantee that if you read this program, absorb the truths, and make an honest effort to use the tested and proven dating advice strategies revealed in the Advanced Dating Skills program...

You Will See A HUGE Improvement In Your Dating Life.


Think about it: What if this program could teach you just one strategy to improve your dating life and increase the number of women you date? What if I could show you how to land that one beautiful girl that has been your crush but you have no idea how to make her attracted to you? What would that kind of information be worth to you?

A hundred dollars?

A thousand?

How much money have you thrown away on drinks with women you got NOWHERE with?

How many times have you gone on a date, bought her dinner for over $50 and come away with nothing but a peck on the cheek and an "I'll call you!"

Just imagine the power you'll feel when your friends stare in awe as you get phone numbers and meet women - effortlessly.

One more thing you should know: I've studied psychology and motivational behavior, and if you don't make a decision to improve your dating life right now, you're unlikely to improve it in the future.

Don't let your fear of change stop you from success.

And you don't want to turn this program opportunity away - this offer really is unbeatable and I cannot guarantee that if you come back later you'll find the same price.

Your purchase is guaranteed for 60 days. If you're not satisfied, I'll cheerfully refund your investment.

I look forward to amping up your Alpha Confidence and success with women - and get you more women in your life than ever before.

Your friend,

Philip Jacobs

NOTICE: The low introductory price is strictly limited to only the first 200 customers who order this amazing system. 

Early Bird Pricing:    Current Price: $16.50

First 2000 Downloads...    $16.50

2000 to 5000 Downloads...    $40

5000 and Over...    $65

There Are NO RISKS, With My

Better-Than-100% Money-Back Guarantee.

P.S.: Every tip, strategy, and technique that I share with you in the program is a PROVEN winner. I use every one of them myself in real-world situations, and I know that they will work for you, too.

This program is much more than a bunch of motivational speeches on confidence and learning how to "smile" just right.

There are hundreds of tips, strategies, and methods to get a woman's uncontrollable attraction for you, as well as massively increasing your chances to keep dating the women you're interested in seeing further.

This is information you need to have, or the other guys out there are going to eat your lunch... and you'll be left with their crumbs. 

Click the "I Want This" button to get your copy now...

P.P.S.: This is the unique opportunity to FILL YOUR LIFE with beautiful women - don't pass it up. And with your protection guaranteed, you have nothing to lose.

Click the "I Want This" button to order your copy of the "Advanced Dating Skills" program today...

P.P.P.S.: There have been plenty of times in the past where I've made the decision not to grab something when I knew I should, and regretted it when I found out that my friends had great success with it. And I kicked myself over and over because of that. Don't make my mistake - take this opportunity and get your copy right now.

Download your copy of the Advanced Dating Skills program today. 

If you have any questions about this package, just send an email to and I'll get right back to you with an answer.

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